Mediumship is a form of collaboration and a form of communication, too. It is a rich path, a blooming, colorful, and joyful journey. It’s love, it’s emotion. It’s an opening, it’s a breath. It’s a help. It is a means to get connected to and through our heart and support others. It is holding hands, it is the flow of energy. It is a joyous circle, as in a party. It is a party. It’s a celebration, it’s the union of the physical world with the Spirit World. It is the meeting of the material world with our loved ones who passed away and live as Source. It is the meeting of the material world with what we really are. And we are one. We are one. We are a crowd, but we are one. The Spirit World is always with us, with unconditional love.

Do not run away, you no longer need it. Breath in full who you really are. Widen your horizons. We need to broaden our horizons and draw on this magnificence that we have available within us. We don’t have to do it only for ourselves. We are all one and we are all, all involved in this. It is a pearl, it is a wealth, it is a gift. Like a pearl, it is a pure and unique gift. We can all draw. We are all on an exciting journey, there is no judgment. We are all powerful, we are all light, we are loved and we have to love ourselves and each other unconditionally. There is no judgment, it is a product of old mental schemes.

Just relax a little and smile, smile. Feel your pure joy and smile. We are protected, there is no fear. It is a protected path, it is a path of light, it is a path of love. It is a natural path, there is nothing forced. It’s all true, it’s us. We are. Just let it flow, just let it flow and everything will be healed.

                                                                        Co-writing with my Spiritual Guides, 19 June 2018



My mediumship is multifaceted (scientific communication, philosophy, guidance for personal growth, healing, messages from the deceased loved ones, spirit art through co-writing, paintings, and rings) and encompasses the services below. If you’d like to participate in public events, please go to the Events section.


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*Energy healing sessions do not replace medical treatments. During these   sessions, the medium is in a state of trance and the sitter receives healing energy that helps the body increase its own self-healing ability. 

Sabrina Leone,PhD