Seminars and talks



Sunday 28 April, Barghuis Jochpass, Engelberg, Switzerland (in English)
What is consciousness? Latest research findingsBook it hereFlyer here.

Scientists have debated for centuries to comprehend the nature of consciousness and identify its essential properties, in particular how consciousness (experience) arises from and relates to material brain processes (the mind-body problem, mind vs matter, consciousness vs brain).
Since the 1980s, consciousness has become a significant topic of interdisciplinary research, with relevant contributions from neuroscience. Developments in technology, novel methods, and theoretical advances have produced remarkable results in what is regarded as among the deepest unexplained matters in science.
What is consciousness? How do our inner, subjective experiences fit into our scientific world view? Why does consciousness exist at all? Can consciousness ever be explained mechanistically? Does non-human consciousness exist and, if so, how can it be recognised? Can consciousness be understood in a way that does not require a dualistic distinction between mental and physical states or properties?
This seminar will address these questions by exploring the latest research findings.


Sunday 25 August, Barghuis Jochpass, Engelberg, Switzerland (in English)
The relationship between the Sacred Feminine and the energy of the EarthBook it here.  Flyer here.

The Sacred Feminine and the Earth are sources and expression of the same energy.
The Sacred Feminine is the energy before creation, source of life and expansion, inspiring renewal, change, and breaking old patterns, source of divine Light, source of knowledge and wisdom, source of stability and harmony. It is the same energy that we all have (both men and women) and that is also in the powerful female spirit of the Earth, in its soul, with which it is necessary that humanity rejoins in this moment of marvelous evolution. It is essential to recognize that we are all connected and contribute to raise its vibrations.
This seminar is a journey of comprehension and awareness, on the basis of the communications Sabrina regularly receives from her Spiritual Guides.